Friday, July 31, 2009

selingan ..

untuk anak pertama dahulu, pak cik telah pun siap dengan nama. nama untuk seorang anak lelaki. nama yang telah pak cik simpan sekian lama. bertahun-tahun.

pak cik tak pun mempunyai nama untuk anak perempuan. masih juga tidak mencari nama secara serius untuk nama anak perempuan. walaupun hasil ujian klinik mengatakan anak perempuan di dalam kandungan. mungkin agak nya pak cik masih berharap yang akan di lahirkan nanti adalah anak lelaki. bukan anak perempuan. akan tetapi bukan nya pak cik tidak mahu anak perempuan. cuma bagi pak cik anak yang pertama adalah lebih baik anak lelaki.

apabila lahirnya anak perempuan, akhirnya, mula lah pak cik mengalabah untuk cari nama yang sesuai. maklumlah surat beranak perlu di buat dalam tempoh tertentu.

rupa nya ramai bapa-bapa yang sedemikian. untuk anak pertama hanya di cari nama untuk anak lelaki. nama untuk anak perempuan tidak di pilih pun walaupun tugas dan hak untuk memberi nama itu tidak pun di berikan kepada sesiapa yang lain.

mungkin agak nya sengaja di buat demikian. jika telah ada pilihan nama anak perempuan dan kelihatan beriya-iya, takut si isteri atau si bakal ibu bertanya pula "ini nama x gelpren awak ya?"


pic. : tuya, mat zek n a'id.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


ferrari announced that mat sumatke will stand in for pilipe massa. yeahoooo!!! just to see that guy driving a f1 car is already sexciting. nevermind the fact that the car is currently underperform. just want to see him in action!

on another note, hope massa will fully recover from his freak accident.

like a quote from his fan "look up to the sky. it is the only thing bigger than you" good luck mat sumatke :))

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


like a bomb it shocked everybody. bmw pulling out from F1! and their reason is very well drafted.
i didn't see any news by petronas tho. and i'm interested to know what will they say.
i guess it sexplain the current underperformed by them this season.

wish list ..

actually, i wanna study and do research on andalusia before, during and after the Islamic administration there. first priority on top of my interest on the islam influence through out the europe, those early years of islam conquest as well as in the dawn of modernisation.

is it true that the 1st world war is actually triggered by inter religion/race factions in europe?

my interest could be caused by my wonders as well as awesomeness of the europe countries for their superiority and conquest through out the world in the early history of mankind. and the relations of their existence today with their past. country that most exciting is spain who actually conquered america continent where we could see their left influence in mexico. as well as their prominent traces in philipine.

dunno if i could ever do it ..


pic. : covered by miss mina @

"To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kembali Kan Bulan I

aku menoleh ke atas
dan ku selak-selak awan bertaburan
namun kau tetap tak kelihatan

aku sebut-sebut nama mu
sambil mengimbau memori lalu
cuba untuk menolak rasa pilu

rindu ini menyeksakan.


pic. : wheee by kelc

Saturday, July 25, 2009

di ulit mimpi di siang hari ..

ketika di darjah enam, pak cik bersekolah di kampung. sekolah ini tidak punya khutubkhanah yang gah. para pelajar pun jarang berkunjung ke sana melainkan segelintir sahaja ketika waktu rehat. apabila loceng tamat sekolah berbunyi, masing-masing berpusu-pusu pulang ke rumah.

apabila nama pak cik di sebut untuk menyertai kuiz kesihatan peringkat daerah, mula lah memasang angan-angan. menang dan pergi ke peringkat negeri. tetapi tanpa bahan bacaan yang ampuh, pastilah tidak ke mana. bertanding hanya sebagai memenuhi jemputan.


ketika di zaman pemerentahan khalifah islam dahulu, pemerentah empayar islam bercita-cita untuk memajukan tamadun islam dan menyemarakkan perkembangan ilmu. langkah penting yang di ambil adalah menterjemahkan segala buku-buku ilmiah dari segala bahasa sehingga bahasa latin purba ke bahasa arab untuk bahan bacaan para pelajar, penuntut, pengkaji dan ahli ilmu islam. upah lumayan di tawar dan di berikan kepada para penterjemah yang akhirnya hidup mewah. jumlah belanja yang di peruntukan cukup tinggi.

maka lahir lah para graduan dan ahli ilmiah islam. tokoh-tokoh perubatan, ilmu hisab dan sebagai nya. sungguh gemilang tamadun islam ketika itu merangkumi segala cabang ilmu. pelbagai penemuan baru terhasil. ahli ilmu hisab dan fizik islam ketika itu telah dapat mengira berapa ukurlilit bumi dengan ketepatan yang menakjubkan apabila pengiraan di buat semula di zaman sekarang.

apabila empayar islam runtuh, para ilmuwan barat datang membawa ilmu-ilmu tadi pulang ke nagara masing-masing dan mengembangkan nya. dari situ lahirlah 'zaman baru' mengikut tamadun barat.


hari ini kita masih berbalah samada matapelajaran teras patut di ajar di dalam bahasa ibunda atau pun bahasa inggeris. cuba tanya orang perancis, sepanyol atau jerman. cuba tanya orang jepun dan korea. pasti nya mereka akan tersengeh jika tidak ketawa.

dari belanjawan negara, berapa ringgit malaysia kah dan peratusan nya di peruntukan untuk pelajaran, pendidikan dan ilmiah?

cuba tanya pula kepada parti-parti pembangkang. ada dibuat kah bajet mereka untuk hal-hal sedemikian? berapa banyak kah?

akhir sekali, mari tepuk dada tanya selera sendiri. berapakah belanjawan kita sebulan dan tahunan untuk bahan-bahan, aktiviti dan majlis ilmiah?


pic : nur_sayang_by_purplehustle @

"tinggi sangatkah bulan di puncak awan?
gapailah bayang nya di dada kolam

ketika siang hanya bayang mu yang kelihatan
di waktu malam dalam mimpi kau bertandang"

Friday, July 24, 2009

selingan ...

"lupa nk suruh beli harian metro cam biase la promote diri sendiri"
es em es pak cik dpt kol 9.34 pg td dr x pak cik, si ehem ehem.

sapa nk kenal atau nak tahu mcm mana rupa x pak cik yg last skalik lebeh kurang setawon lebih lepas, sila2 lah jenguk harian metro tu.

errr ... lamanya pak cik da menduda ...

sonshine IV

sonshine III

sonshine II

he is not well recently
and i fear for the worst
which the end result
am not sure with my life
the whole world would certainly collapse
thank goodness
he is recovering
and i hope for the better

sonshine I

Monday, July 20, 2009


looks like i've underestimated the brains of those people behind the transformers 2 movie, especially its producer.

the guy is really genius! first he got cooperation from the US army. he was given special rate for the army's equipments and save big time on prop. also got the real soldiers as 'pak pacak'. who will not be awed by the sight of US army's lates weapon and high tech equipments? i will.

and i was actually wondering why the first scene was made as if in china? today news answered that question. china is one of the biggest market outside US. and the collection there has so far beat the record set by 'the titanic'. brilliant idea isn't? the scene will pull the mass in china!

enuff with these two reasons. there more. but i'll not be getting movie ticket for it. tho am long to go and see it in the cinema again :)

i see no problem for the movie to beat the record set by 'the dark knight'. am i also incline to believe it will beat 'the titanic' record as the biggest movie ever.

Monday, July 13, 2009

ouch ..

i've read with amusing the various reply by Mingguan Malaysia readers on the writing by one of the gossip communist eh .. columnist on michael jackson.

apparently in the previous sunday edition she belittle the late mj. definitely she gained uproar from mj's fans. but what amused me is she didn't apologize for what she have written. furthermore she reiterated that without sepecial effect and his antics, MJ is nothing.

this is a fine sexample when u know a person's writing is rubbish. even she or he is rubbish.

i am not a fan of mj. but i won't call he is nothing. sexplain that to the thousands of malaysian who bought tickets and watched MJ show at stadium merdeka.

if mj is nothing then why she even bother to write about him. and the utmost thing is when u wrote something for the public to read, u must have a little respect to the readers despite whatever freedom of speech's religion that u r holding. without the respect, u r nothing.

i would be surprise if chief editor of mingguan malaysia wish to retain that communist ehh .. columnist.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

grace magnificent

i have watched terminator salvation movie. and i was intrigue by sam worthington acting. i sincerely believe he is the one who carry the movie. in addition to the special effect that was awesome to watch. which also make me doubtful about the new transformer movie. its special effect must be superb otherwise it could be overshadowed by the new terminator movie. plus the critic have not been kind to the transformer 2.

but when i watched terminator 2, right from the beginning, my worry disappeared. the movie was wonderful. the robots were superb. the special effect was out from this world. but still megan fox is the best special effect there is. one quick check, just ask the adult movie goers which robot that chasing megan fox in the explosion scene? i bet they don't know. or didn't notice. coz their eyes were zooming and focusing solely on her. :) especially during the slow mo.

i should say God 1 - o to human there. we are the most perfect robot. and the girls are the most perfect special effect ever created.