An Open Appeal. Rayuan Terbuka.

Short Version. Versi Ringkas.
To Thy Angel who have chosen a life in which i was not part of it.
Please do not mess my blog. I wish not to have any whatsoever contacts with you ever again. As what we have mutually agreed last time.Please leave me alone. Afterall, i was never part of your life.
- by once you called a fool -
Long Version. Versi Berjela.
To Thy Angel who have chosen a life in which i was not part of it.
Dengan namaNya aku mulakan segala. Dengan namaNya juga aku tamatkan kesemuanya. That is how it begun and how it was ended. That's the truth, nothing but the truth.
Do not mess my blog, i said last time. Do not contact me ever again in anyway possible, i said on the final farewell. I have made myself clear and made your understood them, last time. But maybe you have forgotten. Or i have erred on that persumption.
Thus let me say this, again; please, i hereby solemnly beg, leave me alone. Just leave me alone living my pathetic life.
I wished you well last time. And I am still wish you well. I am happy for you if you have found your new love. I hope he will be able to make you happy in the way you want which i have failed miserably.
I wish not to have any more meaningless arguments. Done that and don't want to repeat them again. I hated it so much. Thus keep your thot to yourself and among your choiced and selected buddies, frens etc etc.
Let me keep holding on to my dreams. Even perhaps i never be able to materialise them in my real life, but if dreaming and embracing my dreams is all i could, so be it.
This is not a negotiation. This is a an appeal that demand your understanding and your cooperation. As i am struggling to stand up on wobbling feets again, i really need a time on my own.
If my postings here cause you uproar, i am terribly sorry. But i am sure you can always opted not to read them. Or just take it as words murmured by a drunken sorrowful piece of shit old man. Who you you can always dismiss and ignore as unworthy a single cent.
Let me say my solemn appeal again, please do not mess my blog. I wish not to have any whatsoever contacts with you ever again. Afterall, i was never part of your life.
- a fool -
pic : the_end_by_dojoh @
pokcik, kekasih lame datang menjenguk ke?hihihi...past is past...mkn satay kajang x lalu je jalan balakong tu tetiap arie..
mcm mana nak ajak. pak cik ikut rumbungan pak cik leong ;)) ekekeke
oit.. sobar yo la.. jgn melotup pakcik...
mano ado melotop :p. tak leh la den dok ontok2 yo selamo lamo eh. ;)) huhuhuhu
pakcik... huhu dia ade jenguk blog pakcik ni ke... kirim salam kat dia ek... :p
jenguk takper. tapi tinggalkan komen yang tak rela tu ...
erk... die ade tinggalkan komen? yg mane pakcik? adehh xpasan plak diya...
ader tuuuuuuuuuuu *muncung panjanggggg*
cakkkkkk.....ahaks...pokcik makin glamour nak pesan ni bak kata yatt jangan pandang belakang......
den nak minta nasihat dan tolong dari ko ni ....boleh ko...ado kemusykilan sket ar den ngan masalah den yang pokcik sedia maklum.....mlm ni ko amik kek untuk owang tersayang ko tu aku bagitahu ek....
sebelum tu nak bagitahu ni ..keny woges...keni salam kat owang umah ko ek..comel ar..dia sporting ....cun salam ek koba an kek dio budak gomok yang duk sebelah dia masa makan sate aritu kim salam ahaks
oit. ari tu pesal ko tak amik no pon dia? :p
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