Tuesday, May 09, 2006

enter 'Mawi' ...


8th May 2006.

it was about 4 pm. i can't closed my eyes. can't take the nap tho initially i was sleepy. the headache seems to gain way in my head. painful it is.

i open the door, switch on the light and exit from my room. bringing along my mug. after fill-up my mug with plain water i gave a cue to my colleague to join me at staging area. on the way there i took 2 pieces of Upamol 650 from the First Aid Kit.

on my fren advise i only consumed i piece of the upamol. 'ko nak mampus makan dedua bijik? baik ko amik obat bius je terus' he said. then we chatted while smoking.

'aku ingat kan .. kan ... aku sakit pala ni pasai panas la' i told him.
'rambut panjang dah macam karpet .. mana tak panas' cynically he told me.
'ye la. aku ingat nak potong rambut pendek la macam mawi sejuk sikit'. i told him.
'iya la tu. aku bet ngan ko. kalo ko potong pendek macam mawi .. seminggu aku blanja ko makan tengahari' he dare me.
'ko jangan memain. petang ni jugak aku pergi putun' i dare him back.
'kalo brani ko putun la. aku cabar' he dare me again.

dalam hati aku senyum je. memang dah lama hajat di hati aku nak potong rambut pendek. siap la ko! aku dok berkira2 dalam hati.

'apa kata kalo aku botak kan pala pas tu aku dtg opis pakai ketayap. kita up skit. ko blanja aku sebulan' i told him trying to sexcite thing a bit.

'ok. ko botak kan pala tapi ko pakai snow cap! konpem aku banjer sebulan' he said to negotiate the bet. we both broke into laughter.

that evening at mamak restaurant, i got him to firm his bet infront of our frens. he did it.

after maghrib i head to the barber shop that i normally go. "be, ari ni lain skit be. kasi putun pendek srupo mawi!" i told the brother manning the barber shop.

'sungguh be? biar betul be?' he asked me in dis-belief.
'yo lo aaaaa' i answered him.

infact he asked me numerous time whether i want to go ahead with the cut.

'no duo be deh?' he asked me. 'ho!' i answered him.

then he proceeded to cut my hair. by 8 pm he was done. my hair was done. so i text messages my frens "bereh! mawi is in the house!"

9th May 2006

the response from my family last nite were overwhelming. "dalam 12 tahun saya kenal awak inilah pertama kali awak potong rambut pendek macam ni" my wife said.

the same with peeps at the office today. various comment been given. shocked and followed with laughter. few snapped a photo. the bosses also came to my place asking about my hair. "apa jadi kat rambut u?" asked the MD. 'apa kena?' asked the other director.

all i know i want to have my hair short. and today i am collecting the payment. and will collect the payment for the remaining of 6 days. 6 working days that is.

:)) muahahahahaha *gelak farouk dalam citer Gila-Gila Remaja*

tak salahkan minum air sambil nyelam?



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