Temptations ...
been avoiding nasi and bread and all grains foods for a few weeks now. i knew it will never be easy.

basically i just eat meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and fruits. and also nuts :D.
one thing for sure this diet is not cheap!
my wife have a little hard time to figure out what to cook for me.
when i went to weddings and raya open house there basically nothing much i could eat. ended up i just had a drink.
but that did not avoid me from being the typical me. on my fren/colleague wedding i asked him to cut for us the wedding cake served on the 'pengantin table'. even my boss were jokingly said i was bullying the pengantin. off course i did not eat that cake. the cake is for my family and my others colleague who were there as well.
i just started my puasa enam. today wud be the third day. this week i cud only manage to do 4 day and plan for the other 2 days for next week. if my weight doesnt come down much i would probably just continue the fasting.
my other boss called my fasting as 'puasa lapan' coz he said the puasa enam shud be done at the early month of syawal. at this time it seems that i continue the puasa enam and that is why he called it puasa lapan. he can call it whatever he want it. he just don't know what are the names we use to call him. i was in a discussion with him yesterday from about 5.15pm. as usual any discussion with him will drag on and on. he asked for my opinions several times. when the time show it was past 6.00 pm i just told him thati dont have any idea as i just want to go home. reluctantly he has to let me go :D.
got an SMS from the MD later on the way home. he asked me to join the lunch function with his 'CEO circular members meeting' tomorrow. i just reply that i have to pass since i am on my fasting streaks. if i dont fast i dont think i can take much of the menu that they serve anyway. to socialise with them i can just mingle with them without having to eat or drink. exactly what i did this morning when i say hi to the members while they having their breakfast.
later on the boss secretary look for me but i was busy. later she call informing she reserve some of my favourite cakes for me and asking me to come up for my breakfast. told her i cant since i am fasting. she told me not to fast since next week i can still do it. no cant do. got to adhere to my schedule. at the end she just tapau those cakes.
the thing is if i follow my diet i cant take those cakes also. probably they will ended up in my kids hands and mouth :D.
my son was not well yesterday. he had high fever. i took him to the clinic last nite. infection at his tonsil is probably the cause. i took the opportunity to stand on the weight scale. about 73.5 kg. so little progress. the target is 70 kg before i should revise down to final weight of 65 kg. mebbe i shud do stret diet. must exclude oily foods this time around. must do exercise alternate days of not everyday. even now everytime i look myself in the mirror 'geram jek tengok' my flabby stomach. that the part of my body that been holding most of my fat.
at month end i would have to review my progress again. hopefully i cud hit the 70 kg target by then. hopefully ... even my mom's cooking cant take me away from my diet.
next target is fitness and muscle. budget! budget! budget! again it will not be a cheap deals!
the photo above will be the referral for before and after :D ekekekeke.
oppss ... this new blogspot enable me to post picture again! hoorraayy!
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