Retro : Getting Fat & Loosing Fat.

when i was a kid i eat a lot since i was a very active child. having meals cooked by my mom i will definitely stop only after 2 plates of rices. staying at boarding school i kinda maintain my weight which is just fine.
the problem only started when i finished SPM exam and staying at home. my mom no longer cooks but my big sister. i would have to say her cooks doesnt fit to my throat. i started to loose weight ever since.
then after a while the idea came to go to gym after reading some of the magazine. before that i already started to buy bodyweight magazine everymonth ranging from 'Musclemag', 'Flex' and such other various mags.
after a while in the gym i gain my appetite and able to eat more. thus i gain weight. managed to add my weight to 70kg and maintain it ever since. my weist about 30".
after getting married my eating habits doesn't change much. thus my weist line kinda maintain. so is my weight. but over the years, unavoidable since i did not continue my exercise, my weight raised gradually and steadily more than 70kg & my weist grew to 32".
the serious problem of waist line and weight started when i started to roam at nights and lepaking with my frens until wee hour. due to we got nothing else to do other than minum2 & makan2. without me noticing i was actually gain weight. i only noted the problem when i had gastric problem during the fasting month. later on i had a problem similar to stomach ulcer. there i was getting a fierce lecture from the doctor "you must take your meals on time, not irregular time. otherwise this ulcer problem will be more painful than the women's menstruation pain!" she said. like i know or ever experience the women's monthly pain :p.
like a knock to the head i started to open my eyes on diet things. i read a lot of write up on it either in the newspaper, men magazines, women magazine etc etc. also inquire the doctor about it whenever i have the opportunity.
the breakthrough came in last year fasting month. i only eat little for 'berbuka' before went straight for sunset prayer then went to the mosque for tarawih and isya' prayer. due to the hectic schedule or tiring, i am not able to eat much later on which i normally do in the past years. while sahur i also eat a little. sometime just a piece of kurma. after a while i lost 4 kgs. few days after raya i had the opportunity to listen to a talk by a dieticient. he urge us to go for 'natural foods' or 'stone age meal' that is avoid the grains such as rice and wheat. which later i follow strictly. managed to get my weight reduce further.
however the weight laterally hanging at 73 kg level. it refuse to come down nor it went up regardless how little i eat and whether i do exercise or not. hectic works at the office and stress also didn't help much.
a few weeks ago i started back the crash diet. strictly no rice or bread. doesnt matter whether i managed to take a balanced meals or not, i refuse to take the rice and wheat. when i had the fever the doctor adviced me to take a little of grains. so i took the rice back after the whole 2 weeks surviving without it. just a few days off course till my health back on track. which later on i am back on my diet without the rice but this time i added a slice of wholemeal bread during my meals time.
last week out of nothing i tried out my old pair of jeans. to my surprise it fit without much hassle. i had a biggest smile on my face. my wife look at me with jealously :D. then i tried aou all the three pairs of jeans that i had kept. including one i wear when i am single. they are all fits! my waist line should now be at 32", reduced from 36". i have yet to weight myself to see what is the reading.
i am indeed much slimmer. and my office mates passed a lot of remarks "naper kurus sgt cik zamri, makan hati ekk?" asked MD's PA. "tak, rindu ...." i answered her.
the ultimate objective of the whole thing is to get myself fit. getting the fitness is the main prize. slim and muscle are just secondary prizes that come with it. thus it still a long way to go. my fitness without doubt is not in a good order. and smoking is greatly has to do with it. but quiting it is a mountain tall order. alas ... june is the target i should abandon this bad habit. hopefully i could achieve it much earlier.
another thing ... a new regime of exercise has to be formulated. bit harder and tougher from the current one. thus i need to buy that 'weightlifting belt' to protect my back. the one that i have currently is way too big. need to buy a proper one. hopefully after that i can start it.
another thing is to sculpt my stomach. getting a 6 pack is not an easy task. one word that hang in my head now is 'sculpture'. let see how it goes.
i have to stick Arnold Schwarzenegger picture somewhere to motivate me. that guy is really a genius. the picture above is him in his legendary pose. the similar pose he made in his first and legendary movie but with a sword ... 'Conan the Barbarian'. he is the most look up model for all generations of body builders and fitness freak peoples. he is focus, discipline and above all ... he is genius. otherwise he can't be married to one of the most infuential family in US and became the LA's governer!
sebelum baca entry..tgk gambo..uikss..nape gambonye begini..pastu baru pahamm..
iskk..kalo kes macam anak nie camno lak pokcik..bila makan kenyang n berat bdn naik..bila x makan lapor tp berat bdn camtue gak..pokcik siap ade graf turun naik nie...
alah .. x makan tu kejap jek :p cuba la berlapor seminggu duer. pak cik gerenti turun la berat punggung, montot, pewut, lengan dan yang sewaktu dengan nya lagi :p
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