Retro : Me, Myself & I.

a lil bit about myself. my background.
i was born in RSU Taiping, Perak on 16th August 1970. what is RSU? rumah sakit umum it is. what else Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah on that particular day. the one that i know of is Mat Kilau passed away on the same date. and who is Mat Kilau? find him in the tawarikh book.
when i was a baby i got nothing else to do other than crying. been crying all the time as my mom would say. till my parents had to asked my mak long, my mom's big sister to come from Malacca and babysit me. my mom addded that from i was a little, no one can touch my head otherwise i would definitely crying. which is very much true till now perhaps. but now instead of crying i would give a death stare if anyone touch my head without any business.
my parents came from Malacca. my mom's village just a few kilometres away from N9 border. and my dad's village a few kilometers away. at our hometown we speak using N9 dialect tho a bit different from the N9's one. and we are actually under adat perpateh and not adat temenggung. but we loosely practising them except for in the estate and will distributions where willingly or not we have to abide since even the relevant's government paperwork kinda put them in black & white.
i am from suku biduanda. the blood that runs thru my mom's side. when my grandmother passed away, the heritage house was passed to my mom. in the house there were two 'alat kebesaran' namely a gong and a tombak. there were two other 'alat kebesaran' being kept at my mak long house. whether there were another am not too sure. our clan basically entitled to take up the 'Penghulu' position for a place called Air Kuning. it is a closest small town in N9 to our hometown. there were one paricular day when my mom told us that the gong made a sound on its own the ealier wee hour as if someone had bang it. i definitley didn't hear a thing. there were only three of us staying in that house at that moment including my lil sister. apparently the current Penghulu of Air Kuning had passed away. kinda mystic? well ... there were a lot of mystical stories about the house, our ancestor and everything but i never pay serious attention to them. then my uncle, being the eldest son of my grandmom was offered the position but with one condition, he has to be domiciled or staying in N9. meaning he has to leave his herited house and land in our hometown in Malacca and find a new house to stay in N9. he passed the offer.
i can't remember anything about Taiping. but the early days of my life that i could remember mostly when we stay in Masjid Tanah, Melaka. at that time my dad was posting at Terendak Camp. i remember we stay in three different rented house. the first one kinda long house which probably coz of small and hi-density, we moved to our second rented house, a single kampung house. which later we moved to third rented house probably due to hazard. two possible things that i could think of ... first of me falling on the barbed fence from the papaya tree. i am trying to pluck the riped papaya and almost reach it when the tree fall down and bring me with it. a day after our neighbour who happened to witness the incident asked my mom abt it. my mom was in a shock to find my back full with deep scratch wounds. she brought me to Hospital Trendak Camp and i ended being warded for almost a month. turn out i was suspected to have kidney problem and as a result suffering a diabetes. experiencing the nurse jab me and took my blood almost everyday for checking i must say not a very pleasant experience. the second incident was when my younger bro fall into the perigi buta and almost drowned. abih sumer orang kampung datang tolong selamatkan dia. dalam plak lak perigi buta tu.
it was at the third rented house where the fond memories were charted. the place was called Londang. it was there i started my primary school at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Beringin a few kilometres away where we have to walk. it is here where i started to learn 'mengaji' a few months before my primary school days. i was struggling to read 'alif ba ta' till the Tok Guru threatened to whack me with his long rattan. the next day i was able to read the 'alif ba ta' fluently and managed to read quran when i entered year 2 of primary school. it was at this house i learned to pray on my own by holding the book of how to pray while performing and reciting the prayer. i remember my sisters were laughing at me at that time. it was here the golden years of my childhood. got a lot of frens here compared to previous houses when i was just playing with my litle bro. we played a lot of 'kampung games'. you named it we have it all. almost.
halfway through year 2 of primary school, we moved to Kuching, Sarawak. my dad was posted at Pengkalan TUDM Kuching. my bro & sis and i were schooling at Sekolah Rendah Mejar Jeneral Dato Ibrahim, Semenggo Kem, Kuching. This time we stay at the army quarters few kilometres away, if am not mistaken batu 10 or batu 12, Penrissen Kem, Kuching. here we got a new click of frens. we roamed the whole army quarters which was very big. we even roamed the nearby jungles. sometimes my dad also brought me into the jungle looking for some of its rich offerings. this i got to tell more elaborate next time. my dad always brought me out for his outdoor activities such as menjala ikan d laut, menjerat burung wak2, caught ikan keli di dalam kolong2 di KL and mcm2 lagi.
it was at this army quarter my parents started to petty trade at local market. but the one who actually do the act of selling is me. it started when i was in year 4 of primary school starting with selling 'tempeh'. my dad made it. i have to carry a load of tempeh on my shoulder about a kilometre and half before reached the market. i guess that explain why a side of my shoulder kinda a 'senget'. the tempeh was placed and displayed on a makeshift table about my waist height. as a result those makcik2 have to bend down to pick their choice of tempeh. i guess this is my first lesson of boobs! there were a lot of boobs. poor innocent me.
a year after, we started to sell mee. fresh me. again my parents made them. again i have to sell them. later on they add taugeh with it. my task is only to sell. balik rumah bagi duit to my parents and never get to see them (the money) again.
a month after entering year 6, my dad was posted to KL, Kem Genting Klang. tho my dad was given a quarter to stay there, my parents choose to let my lil bro and me schooling at our hometown in Malacca. my sisters entered a boarding at Batu Berendam, Malacca. my dad will make a monthly trip to our hometown. few montsh later my mom and my lil sis went to stay with my dad in kl. i was then stayed with my mak long and my lil bro stayed with our grandmom from my dad's side and he transfered to new school nearer to my grandmom's house.
upon entering secondary school i was given asked to choose by my parents either to go to Malacca High School or another school at Batu Berendam. i choosed the latter. sensing it is the school that my mom want i go to.
primary school is totally different animal. in addition i stay at boarding school. this got to be another writings. panjang wooo mau tulis ... years of independence and carefree.
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