Sunday Marathon.
due to certain things didn't go as planned, i ended up busy in the kitchen on last sunday. for the first time i did a marathon, stay there for a 3 hours preparing few dishes started with daging goreng lada hitam, then sup ayam and boil the mee (for mee sup), then puding roti coklat, then ayam goreng berlada, then the chocolate sauce for the puding roti and lastly salmon grilled.
all in all everything were ok except for ayam goreng berlada; the sambal a bit dry, kurang minyak my wife said and the ayam goreng also a bit dry, terlebih garing. but its alrite. lesson learned. mana chef yatt ni ... ilmu dia bagi tader cukup aaaaa. sib baik tak hangus sambal tu :)) ekekekeke
was looking at the recipes in the book. none have caught my attention. perhaps will browse thru later for next target of dishes. at the meantime must try the ayam/ikan goreng berlada until ok. and must prepare my mindset for the chocolate cake and cheese cake. these two i must do. they are my kids and my favourite :)
after the long hours at kitchen, having the small slice of grilled salmon and some puding roti with chocolate sauce and also with nescafee suam :) i was smiling satisfied. then i went for asar prayer. just in time my wife cousins arrived few minutes later.

chocolate sauce. black la plak colour dier

daging goreng lada hitam

salmon grilled. umak aiii .. ado lime ni lagi sodap agak ehh.

ayam goreng berlada yg kureng menjadi.

sup ikan haruan lada hitam. cooked a day earlier.
all in all everything were ok except for ayam goreng berlada; the sambal a bit dry, kurang minyak my wife said and the ayam goreng also a bit dry, terlebih garing. but its alrite. lesson learned. mana chef yatt ni ... ilmu dia bagi tader cukup aaaaa. sib baik tak hangus sambal tu :)) ekekekeke
was looking at the recipes in the book. none have caught my attention. perhaps will browse thru later for next target of dishes. at the meantime must try the ayam/ikan goreng berlada until ok. and must prepare my mindset for the chocolate cake and cheese cake. these two i must do. they are my kids and my favourite :)
after the long hours at kitchen, having the small slice of grilled salmon and some puding roti with chocolate sauce and also with nescafee suam :) i was smiling satisfied. then i went for asar prayer. just in time my wife cousins arrived few minutes later.

chocolate sauce. black la plak colour dier

daging goreng lada hitam

salmon grilled. umak aiii .. ado lime ni lagi sodap agak ehh.

ayam goreng berlada yg kureng menjadi.

sup ikan haruan lada hitam. cooked a day earlier.
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mau mai ka? ramai2? bules .. bules .. kalo mai tader notis saya kasi goreng meggi mee, menu faveret my kids ;))
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huhuh cayalah ... skill ko makin betambah ekk.. tp serius ayam goreng belada ko tak menarik hahahahh sowi aku pun blajar masak tak abis lagi hehehehehhe
ari ni baru leh online.. boring giler aku kat opis client tiap tiap ari isnin-jumaat rasa nak cepat kan je jam tu dari 9 pagi ke 5.30 ptg..
lagi satu aku dah pas undang2 hopefully brani arr nak blajar memandu plak hehehhhehheh
ceh. tu ko punya pasal la. bagi ilmu ciput je tak abih. sib baik tak hangus sambal lada tu :p
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