A Moment Please.

i am sorry if my posting sounds sad or sorrow. but perhaps it is how i feel at the moment. but never i regret or sorry of what happened. never i will hate this sod feeling.
like GnR song ... even november rain would not last forever. in fact this sorrow will teach me the meaning of happiness. bad & good, black & white are created by Him with a purpose.
i treasure this whatever feelings while continue praying to Him to show me the right thing to do and the right path that i should take. if ever i mistakenly take the wrong path or have a bad fall, i pray to Him to give me strength to correct the err and to stand up and continue walking. life is a struggle between good and bad. may He continue to let his passion bless my journey.
perhaps there is storm brewing still in my heart but still i am smiling. at least for the people around me.
pakcik... sounds like sumthing happened je... hope dh settle la ye... pakcik mampu tersenyum time diuji Tuhan mmg satu kekuatan yg jarang2 org lain miliki... waaa... God bless u pakcik... ;)
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bukan apa .. dah biasaaaaaaaa. lagi pun kalo tunjuk muka sedey pun bukan ada yang nak pujuk :)) muehehehe. bawak2 je la bersabo. kadang2 duka itu mcm ujan gak. satu rahmat :D
wahhhhh so jiwa...ishh takpe takpe saba sabar..sab ba ra...:D
pueh pak cik pikir apa itu sab ba ra ... ghuper nyer basa jawi. dak spek .. amik ni :p **isk .. selow plak pak cik skrg ni**
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