A Peek Over A Not So Balanced Diet.

yesterday morning before i left home, i drank a plain water to swallow a vitamin pill. then sipped an half mug of nescafee.
after took my wife to her school and before heading to my office, i drop by at mamak restaurant for breakfast, another glass of nescafee and 3 boil of eggs, with the yolks i scooped off. having them while reading The Star that i bought earlier with a bottle of milk to be consumed at office.
at office i took a piece of banana that i brought from home. i forgot there is another piece.
for lunch i had a piece fried chicken, a piece of cucur udang and a slice of papaya.
for dinner that i normally had at home around 6pm plus, yesterday my wife cooked a fried chicken, a fried keli and kuey tiaw. but i only had a piece of fried chicken (drum stick off course), half fried keli and two pieces of karipap that my wife bought earlier. normally i only had a fried egg with a slice of wholemeal bread.
before i went to sleep last nite only then it occur to me that i didn't have a proper intake of carbohidrate for the day. but nevermind i guess since i didn't engaged myself in hardworks for the day.
i realized i really need to overdo my menu and my diets. tapi tu nanti lah ... tader masa nak pikir la skrg. kusut la sekarang ni .... :(
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