Make Over?

people who knows me well, not necessarily who is/are closed to me, would know that i am a person who hates confrontation. any opportunity given, i would just excuse myself and avoid it. most of the times like usual i will just keep my silence and smile. unless i am getting the push over and over and i can't escape from it but to face it, only then i will get myself into it. which later i would regret it. i would still hate it very much. to me it is ugly. it is the ugliest thing in the world. and i hate ugly thing. aren't we all?
so this week i have decided to maintain my silence to the maximum. especially to that lady in the office. she is trying to get to my nerve for quite sometime now. like usual the same treatment i gave her since couple of years back or more, cold shoulder and smile. whatever antics that she was doing, is doing and will be doing i still can manage. tho i have to admit sometimes i was disturbed, but still i manage to maintain minimum reactions. not sure whether she is trying to get my attention or just trying to be mean.
the only thing that am trying to do now is how to make her and her antics go away permanently. without confronting her off course. hopefully with total silence i could see some positive reactions. and perhaps i should decide what to do from there on. total shake up of my character perhaps?
one thing for sure, it would be a hard work and long way to shake off this 'kabaret' character.
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