after finishing my diploma, i got a temporary job at one of the telco. and was assigned to JB. there i was stationed for a month. the company did offer a permanent job for me. but i was not interested as i want to further my study for a degree. i only interested to take it up with sekolah tinggi mara. prospect of going overseas was never sexciting to me tho most of my frens did.
so determine to resume my study, i have to say no to my my ex's request to get marry when she put up that proposal during the last semester of our diploma course. she shed her tears at that time and deep in my heart i know something will go wrong. but that didn't change anything for me. so when am about to enroll for my degree course my ex did a disappearance act. she can't be contacted at all. even her sister can't assist me. somehow i managed to locate her and then she said the ultimate farewell, which i have been expecting for so long to happen. i tot i prepared for it but i was wrong. my world tumbling down from there on.
i can't concentrate on my study. worst is i can't even do well in my favourite subjects; accountings. and it was very frustrating. i almost failed thrice for a statistic paper which i got zero flat on my first sitting. which is if i did, sure kene kick out from the course. the strategy then was to graduate on time. doesn't matter if i can't do well but i must graduate on time. i was just study to get the pass marks. it was hell of a time. a dark 3 years period.
a couple of things that console me, first; a closed fren and a bunch of housemates that we all clicked together. a closed fren is from the same course and he also faced tough time in study. the rest of the housemates are from engineering school but we share common interest in computer & video games as well as nites outing. second was GnR albums of "Use Your Illusions I & II' which i listened to almost all the times using a borrowed walkman. even that cassettes i borrowed from my housemate. and the most favourite song is 'Estranged". got that word engraved on a few pendants that i wore either one all the times.
i managed to graduate on time but with unflying colours of course. but i was thankful. it was time to start new.
and here i am again, awaiting the right time to start new all over, again.
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