What if ....

i love ornamental fish. love to watch them gracefully swimming in the water. the fish i like the most is arowana or kelisa. used to frequent all the ornamental fish shops in klang valley that my crime in partner and myself heard there were beautiful arowana on display or for sales. i even ventured into the arowana trading once. as a result i have to travel to batu pahat, the biggest company selling ornamental fish especially arowana in malaysia located there. i know all types of arowana fish. the most fancy one. the most exotic one. used to have them also (kept the not so fancy one. the fancy is for sales). even gave one to my mom's. off course got to give them a nice and expensive aquarium also. but make no mistake. i do not fancy 'kelisa' car.
i am a loner. at least that what i think. sometimes i love being alone. spending time on my own alone. like driving slowly and peacefully while listening to my playlist loudly. most of the times my mind will wandering doing thinking and even dreaming. most of the times i keep my thot and my dreams to myself. but make no mistake. i hate the feeling of being lonely.
but what if that exactly being meant for me?
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