Friday, August 08, 2008

the truth is ... 3.

when PAS and UMNO having the muzakarah, pakatan rakyat alliance parties having a tough time to comprehend. then certain parties especially the mainstream media trying to divide those alliances. but then it backfired to BN coalitions parties. MIC and MCA the main bone of BN demand clarification from UMNO.

UMNO trying to champion 'ketuanan melayu'. when the fact is there is no such thing as ketuanan melayu any more. look around and see who is actually the 'tuan' nowadays?

PAS is fighting for the Islam cause. there is nothing wrong with that sexcept for the moslem understanding of its own religion itself is very low. how could they sexpect for the majority of moslem n malays to support them?

in the moslem community itself there are many sects. there is secular. there is hadhari. there is ignorant who don't care a bit. there is selfish and greedy. macam2 ada.

educational is the keyword. awareness is the thing that they should work on.

baru muzakarah other peoples dah shiver. belum lagi betul2 bersatu. one way of unification is by praying at mosque or surau. if all male moslem properly converge and pray for Friday prayer, then we would see our numbers and solidarity. but if it is only a weekly events and eventhat is hardly, jadilah picisan-picisan sampah di tepi jalan bila-bila akan di pijak dan dilenyek.

got to stop. banyak plak melalut. epi friday and epi weekend. :D may god bless us all!


Blogger Max J. Potter said...

whoa. politix. ehem.

yo. made a temporary comeback. do come by! =)

3:05 PM  
Blogger Max J. Potter said...

whoa. politix. ehem.

yo. made a temporary comeback. do come by! =)

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhu. berderet 3 entri pakcik psl politicians. hehe. pakcik dh well known diya mcm mana kan... :)

4:50 PM  

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