Tuesday, March 25, 2008

apdet sejemput dua ..

payah btol nak apdet skrg ... masa yg kureng. koneksi tenet yg kureng tegar. idea yang tunggang langgang padahal banyak citer nak tulis nih. tapi sebab lily dah komen suwuh apdet ... pak cik cuba lah apdet gak.

mula2 ... nabil menang raja lawak astro musim kedua. this guy is brilliant hope he will continue to progress and add sexciting colour to our local scene. his performance in all 10 weeks including the grand finale have been entertaining. poor the other contestants ... they are eclipsed by him. nevertheless this season has been oustanding to the sextent that some people were saying it will cause current af6 looks less sexciting.

i have been looking forward for month of march. particularly because it is in this month the motogp and F1 new season will be kicked off. and it is much and great anticipation that bmw sauber petronas will perform well this time around. hope they will win a few gps!

last weekend tho has not been that well in term of sports. tiger woods winning streak came to an end. arsenal was defeated tho they lead one nil and worst MU won thus arsenal demoted further to third of the premier league.

sekian lama pak cik tak gi cinema tengok wayang. tader org nak ajak gi tengok sama. :D on another note, i made peace dengan ehem ehem atas sebab2 politik. got to maintain cordial working relationship. other than date there will be nothing else. she did hinted and indirectly indicated that she wanna go out with me. "ingat nak call u malam tadi ajak keluar, tapi takut orang tu tak angkat telepon". "bila u nak blanjer i bla bla ... mengidam nak makan bla bla ...". and a lot other things she said but needed to be censored here. now is the time to wat bodoh jek. hopefully i will continue be able to avoid her.

pak cik bercadang nak masak ikan salmon ngan ikan jenahak malam ni. goreng2 jek. ala2 grill gitu. goreng dengan minyak bijan. sure shedap bau nyer nanti. besok malam masak steak laks.

malam ni gak nak gi ngadap orang tua pak cik. malam tadi masa pak cik bawak anak2 jantan pak cik jalan2 sopping kat jusco klang, terhengat2 kedua2 orang tua pak cik. windu lak. macam dah lama sangat jek tak jumpa.

this week pak cik mau start diet baru. berat pak cik dah lebig 75 kg nih. tummy pun macam dah nak naik semula. kene lah kontrol balik. tapi target baru skrg nih ... body sculture and regain my fitness! nak cuba barang sebulan dua. hopefully berhasil lah.

next entry ... pak cik nak citer pasal patriotisme! bak kata nabil ... saya bangga saya anak malaysia! *walopun pak cik penyokong setia PAS* :D


Kembara berjalan bersendirian
Mencari jalan pulang
Bilakah masanya embunkan menjelma
Di tanah gersang yang membakar

Kami semua senasib dengan mu
Wahai kembara di tanah gersang
Mencari kebahgian dalam hidup
Menempuh berbagi rintangan yang ada
Namun bahgia masih impian

- an sexcerpt of Kembara Di Tanah Gersang by Al-Jawaher


Blogger aria ayumi said...

pakcik!!! windu ahhh... hihi. :p

btw, pakcik nak tahu tak.. satu family diya minat nabil... huhu. memang die best ah. spontan je lawak die. diya skali dua je tgk die performed... memang tertarik ngan performance die je ah :D

ngehhh. rajin tol pakcik diet. tolong diet utk diya skalik, bleh tak pakcik... hehe :p

10:10 PM  
Blogger MZ said...

:)) sumer aksi2 nabil pak cik ada simpan dalam pc n henpon. tetiap ari tengok tak jemu pun :D

11:05 AM  
Blogger Jie said...

patlima kali klik, tgok lum hapdet..sy fahamlah tu..tgh bzbzbzbz :p

apa2 pun..jaga diri

10:07 PM  
Blogger MOLY said...

mekasih pakcik sebab sudi update ...


10:01 PM  

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