Thursday, May 27, 2010


spot on!

countless contestants have been voted out even during much2 earlier of the seasons regardless how talented they are, how big and good of their voices simply because they talk too much. there is nothing with that except for, when people say many things they tend to accidentally upset the judges and even the viewers @ voters. eventually the winner will be on the same game as well.

for this show, being humble and showing high respect to the judges will play key influences. like many other things in the world, a lot of things can be sold by emotions. people do things based on it. yeah ... not by brain.

remember that.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mangkuk Nujum.

r u watching american idol 9? got ur fevret contestant who u rooted to win?

this season program is not as sexciting as the previous seasons especially the last couple of years. sexcept for the few moments, the show typically resembles our own local AF.

i wud say lee dewyze will win over the long time fevret lady singer. simply becoz i think she talk too much.


Monday, May 24, 2010


1. Amerika ataupun Unkel Sam adalah bekas tanah jajahan British. Namun ia tidak tertakluk kepada negara2 Komanwel.

2. Holland atau Belanda adalah kuasa pelayaran dan ekonomi eropah pertama. Negara yang mengasaskan Bursa Saham.

3. Iran adalah negara pertama di timur tengah mengeluarkan hasil minyak. Minyak nya memancut2 di bukit2 dan di tanah dan terbakar. Malangnya perjanjian berat sebelah dengan kontraktor2 British menyebabkan Iran kerugian. Ketidakadilan yang kekal mempengaruhi keadaan dan suasana politik Iran sehingga ke hari ini.

4. British yang pertama mengisytiharkan perang terhadap Jerman sekaligus menyemarakkan perang di Eropah kepada Perang Dunia Ke 2.

5. Titik perang Dunia Pertama bermula di Bosnia Herzegovina dengan pembunuhan raja dan ketua tentera beragama islam oleh sekutu Serbia.

6. Antara pembunuhan beramai2 manusia terburuk di dalam sejarah adalah Stalin, Hitler, Mongol, Khmer Rouge, revolusi2 di Perancis dan England. Tidak lupa juga pencabulan hak asasi orang2 Indian oleh Amerika. Mengapa pula agama Islam di labelkan sebagai ganas?

satu pertanyaan.

tiba2 Pakistan mengharamkan 'facebook' dan beberapa halaman web.

anda bila lagi?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Malam Yang Panjang.

ku selak awan mengira bintang
berteman bulan menanti siang
kau tak kunjung kunjung datang
dalam mimpi terbayang bayang.

pic. - Artist on the pic details. Click to see.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


bila hari hujan
kau menjengah ke luar jendela
apakah yang kau lihat
apakah yang kau cari
apakah yang berdetik di hati.

- pic. : at deviantart. click image to view the artis name.

Amazing Grace.

the latest season of amazing race just ended. the brothers won ahead of a cowboys bros and a pair of beauty pageant. am part of majority viewers who rooted for the cowboys to win. and like them i was kinda frustrated as well. especially for the viewer who take offence in the way the winner played their game. call it a cheat. some even voiced out their anger to the series producer and feeling of not going to watch the show again. who can blame them? success can be achieved via cheating?

to be honest, as real as the show itself, real life is like that. good person sometimes loose out. but if we look at it again, the cheaters did win a million dollar prize. but to many, the cowboys are the real winner. people will greet and cheer for them. real life is also similar. good guy may loose on one single shorter or smaller view or measurement. but in a long run or even eternity, the good guy will win. soon or later.

one can choose a devilish path to succeed. to gain glory. to win money. to win love. to have their woman. but who choose a saintly path will inevitably win everything. they will not loose a sleep. they will have a clear conscience. they live happily now and the life after.

unlike any other reality show, amazing race will always be the stage for competitors to behave. winning it is just a short goal. otherwise might as well call it an awful race. that is why people who felt like they were cheated by the latest season end and feeling not to watch the show again, will eventually return to watch it.

and for amazing race asia version, we certainly hope the racers from malaysia will be on top of their behaviour. they will be our ambassador.

Monday, May 03, 2010

i believe i can fly ... III.

"bang, amad lebab demam la"
"ayah .. ayah je dia. nah awak cakap ngan dia"
ujar si ibu amad lebab bila pak cik telefon dari langkawi. abis semangat nak cuti-cuti malaysia. tapi nak balik jauh ..
panas juga demam si amad lebab. sehingga di klinik doktor terpaksa masuk kan obat ke dalam punggung nya. satu lagi kemudian nya. tapi alhamdulillah ... bila pak cik balik ok je budak sowang ni. happy bangat dia. siap leh main kete dia. aktif betul.
"lenkali awak tak boleh tinggalkan dia la" pesan ibu nya.